Tuesday, 20 November 2012

PC Richard Presenting the Lumineers on December 20 at IHeartRadio Theater

The Iheartradio Theater presented by PC Richards is a 200-person venue in New York City that hosts unique shows. You cannot buy seat tickets to these private shows; you may only win your way in on the P.C. Richard and Son Twitter and facebook pages.

The Lumineers will be at the Iheartradio Theater presented by PC Richard on Thursday, December 20th! Only 200 people will be allowed into the show, and your chance is on Facebook.

The best way to enter into for this show:

You can enter for a chance to win tickets to this show by filling out the entry form on Facebook after liking our page.

To learn more about PCRichards see - http://www.forlocations.com/pcrichardandson

Source For This Article - http://blog.pcrichard.com/see-the-lumineers-at-the-iheartradio-theater-presented-by-p-c-richard-son-on-1220

Related information blog: PC Richard on  jimdo.com